
With capabilities and expertise across industries, we offer the right solution to address your specific connectivity pain points

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Our Consultative Approach to Solution Design

A Cox Private Network is built around understanding your needs, requirements, and desired use cases to deliver a solution that addresses your connectivity pain points


Real, practical wireless solutions
to enable efficient operations
illustration of a manufacturing plant
Example Use Cases
  • Push to Talk
  • Worker Safety
  • AGV/Robotics
  • Asset Tracking
In manufacturing environments where Wi-Fi doesn’t cut it, custom connectivity keeps the supply chain in motion. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Increased Mobility to keep vehicles and devices seamlessly connected throughout expansive facilities
  • Improved Sensor Data & Monitoring Capabilities to optimize machine performance and to send real-time alert notifications
  • Scalable & Modular Environment to change production processes and site layouts in real-time, with no re-cabling
  • Ability to Overcome Highly Reflective Environments in facilities with metal structures, high-density storage areas, or complex layouts that often limit signal
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In manufacturing environments where Wi-Fi doesn’t cut it, custom connectivity keeps the supply chain in motion. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Increased Mobility to keep vehicles and devices seamlessly connected throughout expansive facilities
  • Improved Sensor Data & Monitoring Capabilities to optimize machine performance and to send real-time alert notifications
  • Scalable & Modular Environment to change production processes and site layouts in real-time, with no re-cabling
  • Ability to Overcome Highly Reflective Environments in facilities with metal structures, high-density storage areas, or complex layouts that often limit signal
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Example Use Cases
  • Push to Talk
  • Worker Safety
  • AGV/Robotics
  • Asset Tracking


Real, practical wireless solutions
to enable reliable and seamless connectivity coverage today and for the future
illustration of a warehouse
Logistics and distribution centers are critical elements of our economy but require more than the traditional wireless tools designed for carpeted office spaces. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Increased Mobility to keep vehicles and devices seamlessly connected throughout expansive facilities
  • Expanded Coverage Area to provide broad coverage across large spaces, both indoors and outdoors
  • Application-Level Control to prioritize critical data traffic
  • Ability to Overcome Highly Reflective Environments in facilities with metal structures, high-density storage areas, or complex layouts that often limit signal
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Cox Private Networks in Action
A large bottling facility with over 1 million square feet in the U.S. needed their connectivity solution to extend to the loading yard at the rear of the building to enable employees to process inventory on their handheld tablets and scanners, where historically workers had trouble staying connected as they moved around. Adding in a private cellular network expanded coverage and enabled seamless mobility for the people and machines moving around the facility.
Example Use Cases: Connected Worker, Inventory Management, 911 Calling, Visitor Connectivity, and AGV/Robotics


reliable connectivity
to support staff connectivity, scale existing cellular networks, and improve patient experiences
illustration of a hospital
Cox Private Networks in Action
A multi-story healthcare facility needed to improve public cellular inside their facility. Deploying a Multi-Operator Core Network (MOCN) Neutral Host network enabled coverage within buildings so that visitors could make phone calls no matter where they are inside the building.
Example Use Cases: MOCN Neutral Host, Network Bifurcation, Staff Duress, Connectivity for a Remote or Temporary Facility, Equipment Mobility, and In-Patient Monitoring
Connectivity is critical for healthcare facilities to provide improved patient experiences and outcomes. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Enhanced Public Coverage in facilities with dense or lead-lined x-ray rooms that limit network coverage
  • Dedicated Networks to prioritize connectivity for mission-critical staff usage over patient and guest usage
  • Greater Mobility for portable pharmacy stations, handheld devices, or other connected devices constantly moving around the facility
  • Next-Gen Use Cases such as connected equipment, robotics, and remote patient monitoring
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Connectivity is critical for healthcare facilities to provide improved patient experiences and outcomes. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Enhanced Public Coverage in facilities with dense or lead-lined x-ray rooms that limit network coverage
  • Dedicated Networks to prioritize connectivity for mission-critical staff usage over patient and guest usage
  • Greater Mobility for portable pharmacy stations, handheld devices, or other connected devices constantly moving around the facility
  • Next-Gen Use Cases such as connected equipment, robotics, and remote patient monitoring
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Cox Private Networks in Action
A multi-story healthcare facility needed to improve public cellular inside their facility. Deploying a Multi-Operator Core Network (MOCN) Neutral Host network enabled coverage within buildings so that visitors could make phone calls no matter where they are inside the building.
Example Use Cases: MOCN Neutral Host, Network Bifurcation, Staff Duress, Connectivity for a Remote or Temporary Facility, Equipment Mobility, and In-Patient Monitoring

Campus-Based Environments

Expanded coverage
to connect large environments, support the scaling of use cases, and improve visitor experiences
illustration of a shopping district
For campus-based environments such as mixed-use developments, shopping malls, campgrounds, and public parks, a connectivity solution must support their ever-evolving needs. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Expanded Coverage Area for large spaces with hard-to-reach areas
  • Increased Throughput to support large amounts of devices and multiple use cases on the same network
  • Innovative Technology Use Cases such as security monitoring & analytics, digital signage, and parking analytics to optimize guest and vendor experiences
  • LAN/WAN Extension to connect new, outlying buildings without disrupting existing infrastructure
Cox Private Networks in Action
An RV park wanted to offer Wi-Fi to all guests staying at the park. However, the mesh Wi-Fi solution alone provided poor coverage and insufficient throughput, and trenching fiber to extend connectivity to each RV site was cost-prohibitive. Extending the managed Wi-Fi solution with a private network provided strong, reliable Wi-Fi to each site within the campus.
Example Use Cases: Security Monitoring, Video Analytics, Community Wi-Fi, Point-of-Sale, FOH/BOH Prioritization, and Digital Signage


illustration of a hotel
reliable connectivity
to prioritize great guest experiences and improve business operations
Example Use Cases
  • MOCN Neutral Host
  • Panic Buttons
  • Point-of-Sale
  • Staff Push to Talk
  • Video Analytics: Safety
  • Ticket Taking
At resorts and hotels, connectivity is key to improve operations and guest experiences. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Dedicated Bandwidth to separate and prioritize critical business operations over public usage
  • Improved Staff and Guest Safety with the enhancement of safety use cases such as panic buttons and enhanced indoor cellular coverage to contact help during an emergency
  • Scalable & Modular Environment to change gaming floors or site layouts in real-time, with no re-cabling, or provide temporary coverage for events such concerts, weddings, and conferences
  • Increased Security to control access to the network with SIM-based authentication and help prevent attacks from bad actors
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At resorts and hotels, connectivity is key to improve operations and guest experiences. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Dedicated Bandwidth to separate and prioritize critical business operations over public usage
  • Improved Staff and Guest Safety with the enhancement of safety use cases such as panic buttons and enhanced indoor cellular coverage to contact help during an emergency
  • Scalable & Modular Environment to change gaming floors or site layouts in real-time, with no re-cabling, or provide temporary coverage for events such concerts, weddings, and conferences
  • Increased Security to control access to the network with SIM-based authentication and help prevent attacks from bad actors
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Example Use Cases
  • MOCN Neutral Host
  • Panic Buttons
  • Point-of-Sale
  • Staff Push to Talk
  • Video Analytics: Safety
  • Ticket Taking

Higher Education

illustration of a college campus
Expanded coverage
to help improve the safety and experience of students, faculty, and visitors on-campus
On college campuses, the daily bustle of students, faculty, and visitors requires a higher standard of connectivity. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Enhanced Indoor Cell Service in densely populated, older buildings often constructed with material that limits public cellular service
  • Improved Safety for students, faculty, and visitors by enabling the ability to call 911 during an emergency, or by placing security cameras throughout campus
  • Expanded Coverage Areas to connect common gathering spaces as well as hard-to-reach buildings and public areas
  • Cost Efficiencies to enhance public cellular coverage without installing complex distributed antenna systems throughout multiple campus buildings
Example Use Cases
  • MOCN Neutral Host
  • 911 Calling
  • Blue Light Phones
  • Facilities Optimization
  • Wi-Fi Extension
  • Video Analytics
  • Video Monitoring
  • Crowd Monitoring

Smart City

illustration of an urban downtown area
Next-gen connectivity
to help keep visitors safe and improve city operations
Cox Private Networks in Action
A public park serves as the hub for the city's recreational programs and activities, attracting over 240,000 visitors each year, but suffers from poor cellular coverage. Implementing a joint private network and managed Wi-Fi solution provided a connected experience throughout the expansive outdoor area for park visitors and event vendors, enabling secure point-of-sale transactions during park events and expanding connectivity to visitors throughout the park.
Example Use Cases: Smart Parking, Video Analytics: Security, Public Wi-Fi, LAN/WAN Extension, Pedestrian Counting, Noise/Environmental Monitoring, Condition Monitoring, Gunshot Detection, Smart Lighting 
For municipalities, digital transformation is a critical focus area defining today’s modern cities. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Next-Gen Smart City Use Cases to improve city operations and modernize existing parking, lighting, and security infrastructure
  • Improved Safety for residents and visitors in high-traffic public areas
  • Cost Efficiencies to achieve connectivity needs when wired connectivity isn't feasible or practical
For municipalities, digital transformation is a critical focus area defining today’s modern cities. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Next-Gen Smart City Use Cases to improve city operations and modernize existing parking, lighting, and security infrastructure
  • Improved Safety for residents and visitors in high-traffic public areas
  • Cost Efficiencies to achieve connectivity needs when wired connectivity isn't feasible or practical
Cox Private Networks in Action
A public park serves as the hub for the city's recreational programs and activities, attracting over 240,000 visitors each year, but suffers from poor cellular coverage. Implementing a joint private network and managed Wi-Fi solution provided a connected experience throughout the expansive outdoor area for park visitors and event vendors, enabling secure point-of-sale transactions during park events and expanding connectivity to visitors throughout the park.
Example Use Cases: Smart Parking, Video Analytics: Security, Public Wi-Fi, LAN/WAN Extension, Pedestrian Counting, Noise/Environmental Monitoring, Condition Monitoring, Gunshot Detection, Smart Lighting 


illustration of a shopping district
Expanded connectivity
to support data-driven decision making for streamlined business operations
For retail, streamlining operations and understanding customers starts with connectivity. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Data-Driven Decision Making to help retailers understand dwell-time, customer patterns, and traffic flow
  • Enhanced Public Cellular Coverage supports mobile devices and communication channels between employees
  • Improved Business Operations through improved surveillance capabilities to manage inventory and prevent loss
  • Increased Security to control access to the network and point-of-sale devices with SIM-based authentication
Example Use Cases
  • Location-Based Analytics
  • Point-of-Sale
  • Parking Lot Safety
  • Parking Lot Occupancy Management
  • Loss Prevention

Large Public Venue

illustration of a football stadium
Reliable, consistent connectivity
to support operational functions and create an exceptional guest experience
Example Use Cases
  • Push to Talk
  • In-Seat Ordering
  • Staff Communications
With hundreds to thousands of guests visiting per event, large event venues and other large public areas have guest experience top of mind. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Reliable Coverage to support business operations taking place on the network
  • Connected Guest Experiences to provide seamless coverage for critical touchpoints such as ticket scanning or purchasing food and merch
  • Expanded Public Cellular Coverage to prevent the network from being overloaded by both business and guest activity
With hundreds to thousands of guests visiting per event, large event venues and other large public areas have guest experience top of mind. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Next-Gen Smart City Use Cases to improve city operations and modernize existing parking, lighting, and security infrastructure
  • Improved Safety for residents and visitors in high-traffic public areas
  • Cost Efficiencies to achieve connectivity needs when wired connectivity isn't feasible or practical
Cox Private Networks in Action
A public park serves as the hub for the city's recreational programs and activities, attracting over 240,000 visitors each year, but suffers from poor cellular coverage. Implementing a joint private network and managed Wi-Fi solution provided a connected experience throughout the expansive outdoor area for park visitors and event vendors, enabling secure point-of-sale transactions during park events and expanding connectivity to visitors throughout the park.
Example Use Cases: Smart Parking, Video Analytics: Security, Public Wi-Fi, LAN/WAN Extension, Pedestrian Counting, Noise/Environmental Monitoring, Condition Monitoring, Gunshot Detection, Smart Lighting 

K-12 Education

illustration of a school campus
to enable critical safety measures and expand coverage for students and staff during the school day
A reliable, flexible network supports students and staff during the school day. Cox Private Networks enables:
  • Reliable Public Cellular Coverage to ensure connectivity during an emergency, when teachers and students need phones for critical communication
  • Expanded Coverage to hard-to-reach places such as big outdoor spaces or overflow trailer classrooms
  • Next-Gen Safety Technology such as alert systems, video analytics, and visitor management
Cox Private Networks in Action
A school district with a large population of low-income students needed to enable reliable connectivity to students after the school day so they could complete their required homework. Deploying a private cellular network on the school grounds extended the school’s existing connectivity to students living nearby, allowing students to access school-specific applications online and complete homework activities from the comfort of their homes.
Example Use Cases: Security Monitoring, Video Analytics, Green Drills, Staff Safety, 911 Calling

Contact us today to see how Cox Private Networks can solve your connectivity challenges

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